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Granjas Aeropónicas Verticales
Tower Farms
en todo el mundo
Agrotonomy ha instalado Tower Farms en todos los continentes
I am 100% sure that the collaboration with Nextend was the best choice we could have made. Nextend turned a highly complex product into a simple but premium user experience.
Trienke van Aartsen
Amper AI
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Tower Farms Aeropónicas
Ahorro de agua del 95%
3 veces más rápido utilizando un 95% menos de agua que la agricultura convencional en el suelo.
If I’ve made one investment that’s truly paid off, it would be paying for Nextend. Love the services that I get from there.
Julian Gruber
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Sistemas Aeropónicos Tower Garden
Tower Garden en Estados Unidos, Canadá y Europa.
Cultiva en tu casa hasta 28 plantas en menos de 1m²
Has been awesome working with you guys, and then deliverables speak for themselves. In general, I have high expectations - and you met them!
Chrissy Sjögren
Zonda Coffee
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Sistemas con Climatización
Soluciones Llave en Mano para Invernaderos
Invernaderos para Aeroponía Vertical
Has been awesome working with you guys, and then deliverables speak for themselves. In general, I have high expectations - and you met them!
Chrissy Sjögren
Zonda Coffee
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Distribuidores Internacionales Certificados
Tower Garden & Tower Farms
Distribuidores en Todo el Mundo
Has been awesome working with you guys, and then deliverables speak for themselves. In general, I have high expectations - and you met them!
Chrissy Sjögren
Zonda Coffee

Proporcionamos soluciones llave en mano de cultivo vertical e invernadero en todo el mundo.

Agrotonomy Corp. ha establecido los primeros huertos de aeropónicos de Tower Farms en Europa, Asia, África y Oriente Medio.

Tower Farms

Cultiva hasta 250.000 plantas por hectárea.

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Tower Garden

Cultiva hasta 36 plantas por metro cuadrado.
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Consultoría sobre Cultivo en Vertical.
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Aprende cómo funcionan las torres aeropónicas

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¡Más de 150 artículos sobre cultivo en vertical!

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Tower Farm aeropónica de True Garden ubicada en Arizona.

Cultivo Vertical Aeropónico Tower Gardens


Mira el Instagram de Agrotonomy

This innovative farming method allows you to grow up to 52 mustard-greens plants in less than 1 square meter #mustardgreens #farming #agriculture #gardening #aeroponics #verticalfarming #hydroponics #soilless ...

4151 40

Within a Portuguese school, a vertical farm using 30 aeroponic towers is used as an educational program for students. The purpose of this farm is to connect students to nature through the process of growing food.

This school is known as Dom Luís da Cunha Primary School located in Alvalade.

This initiative was implemented by our partner’s non-profit organization UpFarming

#farming #agriculture #school #portugal #towergarden #verticalfarming #aeroponics #hydroponics #horticulture

16344 279

This is the water consumption of an indoor aeroponic tower using LED lights #towergarden #aeroponics #kitchengarden #veticalfarming #homegarden #hydroponics #soilless ...

16425 287

Can you grow different types of crops on a single aeroponic tower? #farming #agriculture #verticalfarming #aeroponics #towergarden #hydroponics #gardening #soilless ...

14594 175

Wheelbarrow harvesting! #agriculture #farming #gardening #verticalfarming #soilless #aeroponics #hydroponics #wheelbarrow ...

12400 119

Aqua Garden is an indoor vertical farm located in Wisconsin, USA and features several hundred aeroponic towers that are integrated into an aquaponic system, where walleye fish play a vital role in providing nourishment to the crops. @aquagardenllc

#aquaponics #aeroponics #verticalfarming #agriculture #farming #soilless #aquaculture #hydroponics

39008 361

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Tomates en un Tower Garden

Tomates en un Tower Garden

Cultivar tomates en un Tower Garden® no sólo se trata de "plantar y jugar". Hay muchos pros y contras, así como diferentes técnicas de cultivo que debes tener en cuenta. Al iniciar el proceso de siembra de los tomates, el fabricante aconseja plantar 2 semillas por...

95% de ahorro en agua • 75% ahorro en espacios • 35% a 50% más de cultivos • 100% orgánico y muy sencillas de mantener.

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