When someone refers to aeroponic farming as hydroponic farming, it is correct as well. Whether deepwater culture (DWC), ebb and flow, drip, NFT (nutrient film technology), Wick systems, or aeroponics, all these technologies are just branches of hydroponic farming.

The main benefits of an aeroponic tower vertical farm vs. a conventional hydroponic horizontal system are as follows:

1. Space-savings

Tower Farm requires up to 80% less space than a conventional hydroponic system. This means 80% less costs when setting up a greenhouse or an indoor space.

2. Nutrient density increase

When growing crops on aeroponic towers, contrary to conventional hydroponics, the roots have 100% oxygen availability. This translates into increased nutrient absorption at the root level.
We publish a scientific comparative study between crops grown on aeroponic vertical systems and organic crops. This study addressed nutrient density, antioxidant levels, and flavonoid values.

In most cases, crops grown on aeroponic towers ranked as high as the best ever scientifically tested from crops grown in the soil, whether referring to nutrient density, or antioxidant and flavonoid levels!

3. No previous experience is necessary

When it comes to commercial conventional hydroponics, an experienced staff is required. Each crop is subject to a different nutrient formula. PH and electro-conductivity (EC) values need to be readjusted constantly. Most large-scale hydroponic commercial farms require highly paid agronomists/horticulturists to supervise operations.

On the other hand, regardless of its size, an aeroponic Tower Farm can be started and operated by non-experienced individuals.

We invite you to read the following article published on our blog titled:

Tower Farms: No Previous Farming Experience Required!

4. Quality

With a hint of sarcasm and a splash of disgust, and without wishing to stir a polemic, many members of Agrotonomy’s team refer to conventional hydroponics as “supermarket crops”. Crops that all look perfectly calibered, featuring uniform colors and shapes, and all have 3 common denominators: lack of taste, lack of texture, and too watery.

Regarding leafy greens and herbs amongst many other crops, but mainly for leafy greens and herbs, Tower Farm technology is second to none. No other hydroponic farming approach can beat the results of a Tower Farm, above all considering the reduced space required to grow the same amount of food.

5. Versatility

Tower Farms can be set up indoors, outdoors, inside a greenhouse, on a rooftop, completely off-the-grid, etc. Such versatility is not possible with a conventional hydroponic system.

6. Simplicity

Large-scale hydroponic commercial systems require lots of ‘Internet of things’ to monitor values. In comparison, due to the stability of a Tower Farm system, we refer to our technology as the “analog version of vertical farming.” There is no computerized monitoring sensor involved.

8. Unparalleled Support

With most conventional hydroponic farming systems, the customer, or in other terms, the farmer, receives support from the manufacturer.

Our Tower Farm customers receive support from real Tower Farmers and not from a support department with individuals working from cubicles in offices. We are first and foremost a team of vertical farming experts specializing in aeroponic tower farming. We are actively using Tower Farm technology daily. When needing support, having a Tower Farmer as an interlocutor is truly an added value to our customers.